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10 Tips On How To Deal With A Rebellious Teenager

Parenting a rebellious teenager can be a daunting task for any parent. 

As your child transitions into adolescence, they may become more independent, assertive, and disobedient.

You’re not alone.

Many parents face similar struggles.

Navigating the tumultuous waters of parenting rebellious teens can be challenging and emotionally draining.

rebellious teenager rolling her eyes while mother talks

Parenting a Rebellious Teenager

There are different levels of teenage rebellion.

Some rebellious children may skip homework, get bad grades, or act disrespectfully.

Others may have more severe or complex issues such as delinquency, alcoholism, running away, mental health issues, or drug use.

In this article, we will focus on rebellious behaviors in daily life. 

Other bigger problems need a bigger solution.

Seeking professional help is best if you are dealing with more serious issues.

Here are some tips on parenting rebellious teenagers in daily life.

Review Your Rules

If your teen seems rebellious and fights with you constantly, that could indicate too many things for them to fight about.

Teens are less likely to push back when there’s little to push. 

By surrounding them with numerous rules, they may feel compelled to oppose to assert their independence.

Strong-willed teens will either get into endless power struggles with you or tune you out as background noise.

If you set rules for every little thing, your child might not take any of them seriously, even the important ones. 

So, if you want your child to stop arguing and listen when it matters, be thoughtful about which rules you put in place.

Stop Yelling

Raising your voice or using an angry tone can make your teen feel attacked.

A person’s fight-or-flight mode kicks in when they feel threatened, so even if you give them excellent reasons to behave, they won’t listen when yelled at.

Not only will yelling not help you achieve your goal, but it will also lead to more aggression in your teen​1​.

Break The Cycle Of Negative Emotions

It is natural to react negatively to your teenager’s rudeness or attitude.

But parent-child interactions are reciprocal when it comes to emotion and behavior​2​.

Your negative reaction to your teen’s negative emotional response will lead to more negativity in your child.

Doing so creates a vicious cycle.

To break the cycle, you must take the first step (since you’re the grownup here!)

When your child is being negative and disrespectful, take a deep breath, step back, and reply calmly.

“I see that you are angry. I don’t like that you act disrespectfully to me. But I understand that you are upset. Can we discuss the underlying issue so I can better help you?”

Being calm is not “losing the fight.” How you respond to challenges is a good example of how one should react in similar situations. 

If all they see is you getting angry when things don’t go your way, that’s what they will do when things don’t go their way.

Avoid controlling language

Phrases such as “you’re not allowed to,” “you can’t,” or “I won’t let you” are like a red flag to a bull for teenagers, inciting them to rebel and test their boundaries.

As parents, it’s natural to want to protect your child from harm and minimize their risks.

When addressing adolescent risk-taking, focus on addressing risky behaviors by providing clear reasons and consequences rather than relying on the “because I said so” approach.

Dangerous behaviors carry risks, and it’s crucial to be straightforward when discussing their danger.

Don’t assume that your teen is aware of the dangers and is rebelling.

They may focus more on asserting their independence and control over their lives than seeing the natural consequences.

Remove yourself from the equation and discuss your concern for consequences so they can see the risks involved.

Use statements such as, “Doing this is not wise because you may end up badly hurt.”

The focus is on them and their well-being, not whether they are permitted to do so.

Get On Your Teen’s Side

You and your teen share the same goal – you want the child to flourish and have a good life.

So stand on the same side rather than being opposed to them.

Conflicts arise when you frame your interactions as a battle or a fight.

But when you communicate your commitment to their well-being, you are more likely to earn their cooperation.

Let go of the battle mentality and work collaboratively.

That means your goal is not to restrict their freedom or control their behavior but to help them make better decisions.

To discipline means to teach. Keep teaching them why something is good or bad for them based on its impact. 

Remind them that this is about them, not you, and you both are on the same side.

Respect Goes Both Ways

When dealing with disrespect from a defiant teenager, it’s important to take a step back and reflect on your behavior. 

Are you treating your teen with respect?

Consider your communication style and whether it may contribute to disrespectful behavior in teenagers. 

Do you speak to them calmly and respectfully or resort to yelling or harsh language when frustrated or angry?

It’s common for parents to feel that their teens must earn their respect.

However, your teenager may have similar feelings about you. 

Respectful communication is a two-way street.

Model respectful behavior if you want your child to communicate with you in a respectful tone.

Relationship over obedience

Parents facing teen rebellion often fixate on what they want their children to do.

But consider what your teen wants as well.

While they may not explicitly communicate or act like it, your teen likely desires your unconditional love, patience, acceptance, and support, especially during tough times.

Instead of solely focusing on obedience, prioritize building a positive relationship with your child by providing love and support.

When you have a strong, positive parent-child relationship, your child will naturally be more receptive to your guidance​3​.

On the other hand, if you only prioritize obedience, you risk losing both obedience and a healthy relationship with your child​4​.

Repeat, repeat, and repeat

It can be frustrating when your repeated requests for your teen to pick up after themselves seem ignored.

Often, it feels like a deliberate act of rebellion.

Although the teenage brain is rapidly developing, learning takes time and repetition. 

Often, it doesn’t happen overnight. It may even take many repetitions​5​.

Adopting a belief that “they don’t do what they’re told” can lead to frustration and disappointment​6​.

However, taking a more positive approach by believing that it takes time and repetition for them to learn can bring a sense of understanding and calm, even if it takes a long time to see the results.

Besides, resorting to yelling or harsh disciplinary measures rarely produces positive outcomes.

It only leads to a tense and unhappy family environment.

So why not guide your child calmly and patiently to foster a healthy and nurturing family environment that benefits everyone involved?

Parenting is a journey.

Enjoy the process rather than just looking at the outcome.

Instead of focusing on getting your child to do what you say right away, create a positive environment for them to learn, and your quality of life will improve considerably.

A Change Of Mindset

You are only half right if you’re feeling blamed for adolescent rebellion. You do play an important role in the situation.

However, this isn’t blaming you but empowering you to make positive changes.

Instead of feeling helpless and dependent on your child to change, you can now actively address the issue.

There are always multiple perspectives on every issue. 

Rather than feeling angry or blamed, try to see this as empowerment, an opportunity for growth and positive change. 

When you positively approach the situation, you’ll notice a ripple effect in your interactions with your child and everyone around you​7​.

You can create happier and healthier family dynamics when you adopt a positive mindset.

No Overnight Success

None of the above will fix rebellious behavior overnight. 

Your teenager’s behavior didn’t develop overnight, so implementing a solution won’t produce results immediately.

Patience and consistency are the keys.

If the suggested strategies aren’t working for you, don’t hesitate to seek professional help.

A mental health professional can assist you in pinpointing the root of the problem and provide the tailored support and guidance you need in your particular situation.

Final Thoughts

Parenting a teenager is a challenging journey, and it can feel overwhelming.

Adopting these empathetic strategies and maintaining a positive outlook, you can navigate this phase more confidently and create a nurturing environment for your child to grow and thrive.


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    * All information on is for educational purposes only. Parenting For Brain does not provide medical advice. If you suspect medical problems or need professional advice, please consult a physician. *